We not only absolutley need mandatory Voter ID. We need a cross reference system to assure that ID and voter did not use it in multiple states. Something went wrong in our 2012 federal election. Obama could not fill a house party. We all witnessed his lacking, his appeal was flat and he was down sizing from concert sized venues to school gymnasiums.
All the polling had it tight. When Florida went I knew this was a farce. So when all was said and done. I did not believe for one minute he won anything. Two weeks proir to the electionhe took out a 15 Mil dollar loan from Bank Of America. Why?
With this guy it all comes down to following the money. Which as I write he is still chasing? If only people would stop giving him the out about his skin color, bad enough he hides behind it, the guy is an outright liar and fraud. What does that say about black people in general, that they need excuses? Of course not. So look at him for what he is. A man with delusions of grandeur. Foam Greek columns, office of the President elect?
Most importantly he is the man attempting to bring about the total ruination of America. We Americans have to stop him.
Today we are being overwhelmed with lie after lie. Federal agencies and departments are being run as the gestapo. All in collusion to thwart the opposition to the extreme lefts hysterical socialist American dream.
So how do we stop it? First we need to stop the GOP from going along with it any longer.
Why is there even the need for a fight about the bogus excuses for not having a valid voter ID. I believe I have an answer.
Back to the 2012 election. When braggarts started with we got out the vote The over 157% county by county votes were actually boasted? Hello how much of over 100% do they not get? More votes then registered voters. I was furious, to me one instance signals fraud throughout the system.
So I played with one of the states I consider a big problem. New York would be exactly the same, as well as many more.
The following is what I came up with and the sources I found and used. I am no math wiz I used what was available. I would love for someone else to use the resources I did and do a closer look at all the other states.
How I came up with California apparently having a *65% voter turnout?
To FIX our elections so all of us Citizens can feel we did our best and we held fair and legitimate elections. We need to put in place very few, assurances.
We need to separate ALL foreign nationals from the overall population figures.
IE: the Federal Census why was it so important for Obama to be the recipient of the federal census? Why did the census bureau drop race, country of origin, where born? ( anything else?)
Now can anyone tell me why we only have *Estimates of the legal population in the United States? And with that census redo we will never know.
Apparently finding that is next to impossible. Do we not separate Citizens from foreign nationals?
States IGNORE the constitution about who is a citizen. Who is eligible to vote, to drive, perform jury duty or practice law.
What is the estimated total of undocumented, illegal residents. Non-green card, non visa, illegal?
We are to take the word of this government? They have the past census records and they still can claim they only have ESTIMATES!
State of Residence of *Legal Permanent Resident Population : 2011
LPR is green card or visa holders.
United States total *est 13,070,000 Of that total, only 8% can be naturalized? Why is that?
So why are we currently attempting to offer another 11-33 million UNDOCUMENTED, unknown illegals a full pass.
When of the estimated LPR 13,070,000, only up to 8% can be considered for naturalization. I find that scary.
California only claims 3,380,000 of those estimated LPR yet California has an Hispanic Latino population FOREIGN born of 37%.
Population of the following states districts and or territories.
CA Citizen Foreign National
NV Citizen Foreign National
CO Citizen Foreign National
OR Citizen Foreign National
WA Citizen Foreign National
NV Citizen Foreign National
NM Citizen Foreign National
OH Citizen Foreign National
NY Citizen Foreign National
NJ Citizen Foreign National
CT Citizen Foreign National
DC Citizen Foreign National
Lets look at the troubling awarded electoral votes in our federal elections population figures for 2012 including a 2013 estimate.
In 2012 an election year.
California had a total ESTIMATED population of 37,999,878 of that population 31% was under 18 years of age
So we reduce eligible voters by that age group by 31% 26,219,916
that was easy..
In the 2012 FEDERAL election Californians cast a total of 13,017,032
CA quick facts lists Hispanic Latino at 37% of CA population.
White only -non Hispanic totals 39% what percentage not legal -%?
Asians 14% what percentage is not legal -%?
Add in Black Americans, American Indian, Hawaiian & Pacific Islanders 10%
But wait one minute using data for states as to LPR's (Legal Permanent Residents), documented immigrants, green card or visa holders, have to be EXcluded. www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/ briefs/c2010br-02.pdf
As we all know they are ineligible to vote, right?
CA claimed and Homeland security uses this figure for CA's LPRs 3,380,000
So we have to reduce that total from the eligible voter base.
Finally the ONLY figures are only *estimates of illegals .
CA harbors 2,830,000
Does anybody believe CA only has 6,210,000 documented and illegals ?
I imagine those under 18 figures can be pretty accurate as we feed and/or clothe, school and house young people so they are certainly counted.
Now it gets tricky ..
Electoral college specifically supposedly uses *American citizen populations ONLY to afford their number of Delegates. Right? I mean in the real world visitors and nonresidents are not counted because you assume they are transient.
Total allegedly eligible votes now is 20,009,916
cast was 13,017,032
Equals a 65% turn out rate.. That repeated itself in several large states.
I leave NY, NJ, DC and so forth for someone else to go over. I do not feel elections are fair or legitimate any longer post Obama for sure. Post basically communism being welcomed to America. I don't feel the administration is anything but a sanctioned organized criminal organization. Too many intently held or hold anti-America beliefs. We have a radical filled WH, nothing more.
Would that have not been news? When do you read of anything but up to 50 % turnout? Especially when Obama had lost his enamored fervor following. We all go screwed equally under Obama.
Somehow he got the votes? Anyone rememeber reading about trucks full of votes for sale?
Basically filled in apparently legit absentee ballots in boxes for sale!