Dear Speaker Boehner,
Scratch that address to the *Speaker, he doesn't work for America any more than Obama does.
This was a major statement about the bullying BS over Illegals by Rep. Luis Gutierrez.
Until now.
Now add all the violence, riots, knock-out, lone prey assaults, torture and killing.
Keep in mind and add all of those who have been inciting, giving pass or stoking the flames.of Division and violence.
Today we have Farrakhan calling for war. The Panthers taking pipe bombs to the party.
Obama is nothing more than a community agitator, that fact has come home to roost, but not only to America, the world.
This lone man has been behind more violence and world chaos then anyone is giving HIM credit for.
Libya? Other than McCain, who wanted to take out a passive dictator and create what became death and destruction to far too many, including and especially American heroes who were left to to die?
Ferguson. HOLDER and OBAMA knew from day one "all the facts".
The head of justice did not see Johnson for what he was, a coward trying to get: a "get out of jail" free card? They both knew about the officer's ordeal all the way through to Mr. Browns complete police and school records this was a violent bully, an adult thug and worst.
The same as the White house knew all the facts about Benghazi and fast N furious.
Now add in the Military purge, The most over the top ever gun grab from citizens.
Divisive actions based solely on a lone ethnicity is not only wrong, but extremely harmful. For America at least. If you do not consider yourself an American first, then you are in the wrong Country.
All that is left is an appeal to congress? I do not know about anyone else but we need at least one adult in charge that will take the lead and take the the reign. YESTERDAY!
Dear Congress,
Just who is willing to stand up to Obama and be heard. Take the lead. Americans have no representative leadership.
So why Fast an Furious? Why the gun grab? Why not stringent Mental health laws and hold those working in that profession to report any suspect possible criminal violent acts. If warranted
Americans are left to fend off the homegrown assaults against Americans.
Please read the constitution on the floor, --some-- too many house members have proven they have no clue of how and why America works. If a member has sworn to uphold it, hold them to it.
All our laws are created to maintain a civil and fair society. Our constitution is meant to maintain rights for all Americans, common, fair, civil rights and privileges. Members of America's House have no place inciting anyone to break them.
When Law makers disavow law, they are no longer lawmakers; they are law breakers. At the very least they need to be censured. Now that includes most obviously the man you call President.
We have American citizens being subject to our laws every day, from traffic fines to murder. We have illegals who have committed horrendous crimes against our citizens, including murder, for which we have deported them, only to be returned to our country and repeat them.
The last records I researched kept by homeland security as to who is in this country. States and exhibits that of over 16 million LPRs, only up to 8% can be naturalized. Please explain that to me, as I have yet to find why a lowly 8% qualify? Such a high percentage warrants an answer as to why they do not qualify and is based on what?
Yet you have a very vocal member (Rep. Luis Gutierrez) also now apparently John Boehner who is calling for the President to yet again ignore our laws, to make a mockery of our rules and system of governing.
Anti-constitutional and anti-legal adherence to the laws of the land is wrong. The Americans' House is not the place for radicals calling for breaking our laws, especially one who is spewing hate and division with the obvious intent to incite outrage over a very contemptuous issue.
This is not only a violation of his/ their oath, this is an abject anti-constitutional rant. Worst is the fact that his bravado is aimed and directed specifically over one group, one race sounds terribly familiar to La Raza. Divisive actions based solely on a lone ethnicity is not only wrong, but extremely harmful. We are a United States of common values and interests not divided by race. Any intentional incitement does not belong in the American House, or for that matter, America.
We cannot allow one single group as Rep Gutierrez seems to believe he represents, a pass. A pass to ignore our legal immigration system. To ignore not simply our laws alone, but our entire system of governance.
As members you are to uphold Americans civil rights and liberties. I see nothing that speaks to illegal immigrants, criminals in fact, having any rights except to be deported when caught here illegally. That is indeed broken, intentionally by the highest member of office in America. This has to stop first and foremost. Lawbreakers are criminals, yet they are not being held accountable for their actions. Not only by people alone, industries and leaders are accomplices.
Immigration is not broken and harming anyone unless you follow the laws. In fact our laws speak to and cover legal immigrants. Legal immigrants are subject to years of paperwork and expense. At the initial application there is a requirement for fees and at times further requirements, forms along with additional fees well into several thousand dollars.
Add to the legal immigrants expense, their time spent to adherence. The fact that they must fully submit to extensive vetting of their background through enforcement checks They must file every iota of documentation imaginable, as they are being held to our immigration laws.
Yet have you heard any vocal, radical calls from legal immigrants? Are any in the process of legal immigration screaming about their language being required in print or taught in schools. are they threatening an entire political party more harmful and insulting is the fact that one can safely assume is meant towards the parties members?
No, not only are the legal immigrants silent they not seeking special treatment education, and social programs. They are not involved in legal actions against anyone let alone bankrupting their communities and law enforcement.
Legal Immigrants are following the laws of this land. Legal immigrants are intent on becoming a member of a civil society with common civil rights and laws.
Yet Rep Gutierrez wants a pass for up to 34 million and then some -as they will seek to bring over (family)- . When Mr. Speaker, we have an immigration system that would seem to work against those who are coming here Legally? Tell me who do you think should be getting the pass? Several years and several thousands spent. Subjected to every imaginable requirement down to their umbilical cord.
But then again just who is complaining?
Rep Gutierrez does not seem to grasp how civil society really works. Perhaps he offers himself a slight pass for being from Chicago. America is not Chicago. Americas intent is not to favor any group over and above another. We would cease to exist as America.
Mr Speaker, no amnesty should ever be awarded to those who feel free to break our laws and then challenge Americans to punish them? Thwarting the laws of a civil society not only to get here but time and again, to remain. This practice should be punished, never rewarded. Our Laws and our sovereignty are mocked. It is immoral and wrong to allow those already here illegally to further break more laws, laws meant to protect employment, citizen entitlement programs, federal state income tax credits meant to help American families and their children.
Just how much to do think this path, this thinking, this pandering would help or hurt our entire system of governance?
Sadly I just noticed how I never once brought what Americans are going through without jobs.
Tell me just what does an amnesty help? Explain to me how one specific group garnering special, some would suggest favored treatment help the United States of America, and her legal and struggling citizens, if you can?
Because if one group can ignore and totally disavow our laws. We no longer have a common law that to me essentially makes all others outlaws.